The Miracle Morning method: 6 steps to a healthier, more productive lifestyle

Good sleep is the key to a successful Miracle Morning! Discover 6 simple steps to wake up in shape and start your day off right with the miracle morning method. With this morning routine, you will say goodbye to fatigue and hello to productivity.

Quick notes:
  • The Miracle Morning is a method of personal development that aims to improve the quality of life from the start of the day. 
  • This method contains six specific steps: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and writing. 
  • To achieve a Miracle Morning, it is important to sleep well and have a proper sleep routine. Key factors for restful sleep include proper bedding and an optimal evening routine.

What is the Miracle Morning method?
Step 1: Silence
Step 2: Affirmation
Step 3: Visualization
Step 4: Exercise
Step 5: Reading
Step 6: Writing
How to sleep well for a successful Miracle Morning?

What is the Miracle Morning method?

The Miracle Morning method is a personal development method created by Hal Elrod in 2012 in his book, “The Miracle Morning”. Overall, it instructs the sleeper to get up earlier than usual to be able to follow a morning routine in 6 very specific steps: silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading and Writing.

The goal of the Miracle Morning method is to take time for yourself by questioning yourself and giving yourself time to exercise your body and mind. The method promotes productivity and self-confidence. The goal of this method is to improve the quality of life from the start of the sleeper's day. The Morning Miracle has become popular around the world and is considered a powerful practice for increasing productivity and personal well-being.

As sleep experts, we couldn’t miss sharing this method with you. Keep reading for the 6 steps of the Miracle Morning method.

Step 1: Silence

When your alarm to wake up rings in the morning, you probably have the initial reflex to check your email, scroll through social media, maybe turn on the TV or the radio. The Miracle Morning method indicates doing the exact opposite. The first thing you should do when you wake, take time for yourself by concentrating on your breathing, all in silence.

Step 2: Affirmation

The main objective of this step is to build confidence in yourself. Speak positive affirmations for yourself out loud to motivate yourself and focus on your goals. If your goal is to build your business, then take the time to tell yourself that you are strong and capable.

Step 3: Visualization

During the visualization step, you can exercise your imagination and creativity as much as you want by imagining your ideal life. Visualize the results you want to achieve and feel the positive emotions these results will give you.

Step 4: Exercise 

It's not new, moving your body is one of the keys to good physical and mental health. As part of your miracle morning, do some physical activity to wake up your body and boost your energy, whether it's yoga, running, or just stretching. 10 minutes can be enough if you don't have time to do more, it's all about getting active to start the day off right.

Step 5: Reading

To feel useful and motivated, we often need to learn something every day. That's why taking the time to read an inspiring or educational book that brings you knowledge and new ideas can help you feel fulfilled. Try to read a set number of pages or read in a set time.

Step 6: Writing

Write in a journal, jot down your ideas, thoughts, goals, or whatever comes to mind, to clarify your thoughts and boost your motivation. Sometimes writing down your positive and negative thoughts can help you take a step back and get a new perspective on things.

How to sleep well for a successful Miracle Morning?

The key to a successful miracle morning is above all a good restful sleep. The evening routine and the quality of your sleep will inevitably have an impact on your miracle morning.

There are several factors that come into play for a qualitative and restorative sleep:

Appropriate bedding: there is not a one-size-fits-all mattress that is perfect for everyone, however, certain materials may be suitable for most people, whether in terms of comfort or pain relief. This is particularly the case with memory foam , which aims to adapt to the shape of the sleeper's body. There are also options instead of purchasing an entirely new mattress, such as a mattress topper, which can offset the defects of an older or ineffective mattress. For example, a mattress topper can help with a mattress that is too soft , a mattress that is too hard , or even a worn out mattress. 

    Find Your Perfect Topper Match. Take the Quiz.

    How to make the right choice between a mattress topper or a new mattress

    An optimal evening routine: the evening routine allows the body to understand that it is almost time to sleep. By establishing rituals, you condition your brain to sleep.  A few tips to help establish a healthy routine include stop using screens an hour before sleeping, avoid fatty, sweet and salty foods before bed, and practicing a few minutes of meditation.

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