How to Fold Fitted and Flat Sheets

You buy new sheets, and they come perfectly folded and packaged. Then, you open them up, and they never look that way again. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could finally learn how to fold a fitted sheet? They would be so much neater in your closet and make it faster and easier to change the sheets on your bed. 

This guide will show you how to fold sheets and enjoy an organized linen closet. 

Save Space By Folding Your Fitted Sheets

Let’s start with the challenging sheet first. Whether you are folding bamboo, flannel, or organic cotton sheets, the process is the same. Just follow these four simple steps, and you’ll have a neatly folded and compact fitted sheet. 

Step 1. Start by laying the fitted sheet elastic side up on a flat surface. Next, fold the sheet in half lengthwise. Don’t just fold the sheet over and lay the corners on top of each other. 

Step 2. Grab them between your thumb and forefingers. Bring your hands up and tuck them into the top corners. You should end up with a sheet folded in half with an elastic arch. Smooth it out to reduce the bulk. 

Step 3. Now you need to fold the bottom third of the sheet up to the middle. The goal is to even out the thickness of the top with the bottom. It should meet the arch of the elastic. Then fold the corner portion over the bottom folded sheet. 

Step 4. You should now have a long folded sheet. Start on the left side and fold the length into a square. 

Fold the Pillow Cases 

Lay the pillowcases out flat. Fold it lengthwise into thirds. Then fold it lengthwise in thirds again. Place the folded pillowcases on top of the folded fitted sheet. 

Folding the Flat Sheet 

The final step of folding your sheets is the easy part, the flat sheet. All you need is a flat surface. Follow these steps, and you’ll end up with one neat package that keeps the entire set of sheets together. 

Step 1. Lay the flat sheet out and fold it in half lengthwise. Try to smooth it out as much as possible. 

Step 2. Fold the sheet into thirds lengthwise. Smooth it out and straighten it as you go. 

Step 3. Place the fitted sheet and pillowcase bundle on the long flat sheet rectangle. Place it about three square lengths in from the end. You should be able to lay flat sheet length over the bundle and then fold the entire bundle over again on this length. Continue folding the bundle over until you reach the other end of the flat sheet. 

Step 4. You now have a neatly folded bundle that can easily fit onto your shelf. You can stack them, arrange them in baskets, or keep them in a drawer. 

Keep Your Linen Closet Organized 

Now that you know how to fold sheets, it is time to give your linen closet an overhaul. Empty your linen closet and fold all of your sheets into neat packages by following these directions. Get rid of sheets that are stained, torn, or worn out.  Arrange them by size, twin, queen, and king. 

Replace the sheets that you get rid of with upgraded organic cotton sheets. 

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